Start-ups and youths looking to start their own business will have the opportunity to meet and network with mentors from different fields and backgrounds during a Startup Café being organized by Malta Enterprise on Saturday, November 10th, 2018 at its offices in Pietà.
During the event, professionals and academics in the field will share their experiences in order to help participants further develop their entrepreneurial skills, thereby enabling them to enhance their chances of being successful in their business. In addition, apart from hearing the experts out, start-ups and youths taking part in the event will also be able to get more value by having an active role, asking their own questions and getting appropriate guidance during a number of panel discussions as well as networking sessions with the panellists.
The keynote speaker at Startup Café will be Mr Luigi Amati, who is the chairman of Business Angels Europe, the Confederation of European Angel Investing; as well as president, CEO and co-founder of META, which combines venture capital fund management, entrepreneurial mentoring and innovation consultancy into an integrated platform. Mr Amati has been invited by Malta Enterprise to share his insights and techniques on how to deliver the perfect business pitch.
The full programme for Startup Café is available here. Start-ups and youths wishing to take part in the event may register online.
Assistance for start-ups
Startup Café is one of the various initiatives being undertaken by Malta Enterprise in order to support start-ups not only to set up, but also to grow and consolidate their business, conscious of the important role they play in the local economy. Such support also comprises a variety of schemes which have been specifically designed with start-ups and their particular needs in mind.
Business START (B.Start) is a seed funding scheme that supports start-ups that have a viable business concept and are still in their early stages of development through a cash grant of up to €25,000 over a period of 12 months. Through this scheme, Malta Enterprise has already assisted 85 start-ups with more than €2.1 million, thereby helping them find a sound footing on their path towards business growth.
Building up on the success and popularity of this support measure, Malta Enterprise also launched the Startup Advance and the Startup Finance schemes.
Through the Startup Advance scheme, Malta Enterprise may award a grant of up to €100,000 to assist small start-ups that are in the process of consolidating a business operation that has demonstrated market potential and is deemed as economically feasible and innovative.
On the other hand, the Startup Finance scheme provides support linked to private equity, crowdfunding and the procurement of machinery and equipment. The financial assistance, which will have to be repaid within ten years, amounts to €100,000 when linked to crowdfunding campaigns, or up to €200,000 when the support is linked to private equity or to the procurement of machinery and equipment.
Moreover, besides the financial assistance, Malta Enterprise also provides further support to start-ups through its business incubators, namely the Kordin Business Incubation Centre (KBIC) in Paola; as well as the Malta Digital Hub located within the Malta Life Sciences Park in San Gwann, which is more focused on technological start-ups.
Malta Enterprise is also participating in Innova Foster, an Interreg funded project, which focuses on the engagement of start-ups in the innovation process and the way their role as regional and industry innovation providers could be improved.
For further information about the support provided by Malta Enterprise to help start-ups to set up and grow their business in Malta, contact us on [email protected].