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Closed Support Measures and Other Services

The Access to Finance: Soft Loan is a financial instrument designed to support undertakings engaged in a manufacturing or service activity accelerate their plans in establishing new products or entering a new geographic market, addressing environmental concerns and digitise processes.

The measure will support Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) with a guarantee to be used against a bank loan required for the setting up of a new establishment or for the extension of the capacity of an existing establishment. The measure is applicable until 31st December 2021. 

This incentive measure allows companies to claim tax credits on costs incurred directly or indirectly in carrying out an R&D project or projects relevant to the company's trade. Eligible projects should seek to achieve an advance in a field of science or technology through the resolution of scientific or technological uncertainty.

The aim of the incentive is to assist undertakings to analyse the possible effects of Brexit on their business and to develop business strategies to mitigate the impact of Brexit and maximise business opportunity that Brexit might create. The measure is available to duly registered SMEs carrying out an econimic activity in Malta and that at application stage employ at least two (2) persons.

The Business Advisory Scheme is designed to provide business undertakings operating in Malta with advisory services that suit their specific circumstances.

The Business Advisory Scheme is designed to support business undertakings operating in Malta access advisory services that suit their specific circumstances. The scheme is intended to help entrepreneurs, managers and business owners in formulating business strategies to ensure sustainability and growth.

Business Associations typically perform activities that support collective development and growth of undertakings within a specific sector. Such activities include networking, information gathering, research, and establishing industry standards.

This measure facilitates value added projects, including new business initiatives, expansions and transformation activities that shall contribute to the regional development of Malta.

The Business Development & Continuity Scheme is intended to facilitate value added projects that are expected 1111 to contribute to the regional development of Malta and to support existing undertakings sustain operations during restructuring.

The scheme is intended to facilitate typically large, high-value adding projects that are likely to offer a significant contribution to the regional development of Malta through substantial job creation. The scheme may support various activities such as supporting the initial development phase of enterprises establishing an operational base in Malta.

The scope of the scheme is to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to realign their business activity, restructure their employees, product and / or service portfolio, optimise the use of technology and embrace green technology and practices.

Malta Enterprise, via Business START is offering a seed funding for start-ups. The measure is intended to support Small Start-up Undertakings that have a viable business concept and are in the early stage of its development. Initiatives that are deemed to be economically viable shall be supported through a grant of up to €25,000.

Business START offers seed and growth funding for small start-ups. Start-ups undertakings that are still in their early development phase may receive an initial grant of up to ten thousand euro (€10,000) to help them develop their business proposal and undergo a Feasibility Study that will help them determine the frasibility of their business idea. 

The scope of this scheme is to assist hospitality and catering establishments that engages a chef to support in capacity building, innovation, and in the development of the operations.  Undertakings (including self-employed operators) will be supported through a tax credit representing a percentage of the eligible expenditure and wages of the international experienced chefs.

Certify is a fiscal measure administered by the Malta Enterprise Corporation to encourage eligible undertakings to continuously improve the quality of their products, services and processes through the attainment of industry recognised certifications and Quality Marks. The scheme is intended to boost awareness of the added value that may be achieved through

Certify (Tax Credits) 2018 - 2020 is a fiscal measure administered by the Malta Enterprise Corporation to encourage eligible undertakings to continuously improve the quality of their products, services and processes through the attainment of industry recognised certifications. The scheme is intended to boost awareness of the added value that may be achieved

The Change to Grow measure supports businesses kick-start transformation processes that lead to growth, sustainability, and optimised performance.   SMEs with a vision to develop can seek support from external advisors to assist them in carrying out significant changes that will enable them to accelerate development, address sustainability and improve market access.

The scheme will assist operators in the construction industry to scrap and replace old machinery and/or equipment with new machinery and/or equipment that generates less environmentally harmful emissions and to invest in new equipment that has the sole purpose of reducing the environmentally harmful emissions released by the activity.

International markets present various opportunities to forward-looking businesses. Undertakings willing to build capacity to compete in different markets tend to be more innovative in their product/service offerings and processes.

Undertakings including self-employed involved in the creative industry may benefit through this incentive which will be in the form of a tax credit. The aid will be calculated as a percentage of the eligible costs incurred by these undertakings in the development of their creative endeavours.

This is a scheme targeted to limited liability companies engaged in the development of video games with a cultural content. The maximum support per single undertaking may not exceed €200,000 over a period of 3 consecutive fiscal years and shall be established as up to 30% of the qualifying costs incurred for the development of the video game.

This measure has the objective of supporting retailer, wholesalers and other undertakings in the retail value chain to invest in in-store solutions that allow for the sale of items through reusable containers and in related investments required to implement and facilitate solutions that reduce the use of single-use plastic.

Busineses planning to participate in events organised through and/or supported by the Enterprise Europe Network may apply for support under this measure to be considered for assistance on travel and registrations costs.

The Business Advisory Services provide business undertakings operating in Malta with advisory services that suit their specific requirements.

The promotion of environmental sustainability and pro-environmental business models has become a priority in today’s ‘green’ conscious society. Thus investments in energy saving solutions and renewable energy sources are no longer a commodity but a necessity.

The ERDF e-Business Development Grant Scheme supports Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to invest in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) that will support growth through the diversification of the enterprise’s products and services and significant changes to the enterprise’s production process.

The ERDF Energy Grant Scheme supports enterprises invest in energy saving measures and alternative energy sources.

This ERDF Innovation Actions Grant Scheme (Environment) is funded through the European Regional Development Fund.  The objective of this scheme is to support innovation in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises through investments in environmentally friendly technologies.    

The ERDF Innovation Actions Grant Scheme (Innovation) seeks to help Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) meet today’s business challenges by stimulating short to medium term projects that result in:

This international competitiveness incentive supports enterprises in establish a new markets.

This ERDF Research and Development Grant Scheme is funded through the European Regional Development Fund.  The objective of this scheme is to increase R&D activity especially in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises by assisting enterprises in carrying out Industrial Research and Experimental Development activities that lead to the development of new or significantly improved products, process

The ERDF Small Start-up Grant Scheme supports the growth of new enterprises having less than 50 employees.

Grant scheme to facilitate the review of Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Practices

Experimental Development is the acquiring, combining, shaping and using of existing scientific, technological, business and other relevant knowledge and skills for the purpose of producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services.

Participation in FP7 and CIP programmes can support SME’s in strengthening their competitiveness through:

Through this measure, Malta Enterprise aims to support businesses carrying out feasibility studies to determine the technical and commercial challenges and carrying out preliminary activities that will enable businesses to make more knowledgeable decisions in the development of the intended research and development project.

Training Providers are to fill in application number 2 which can be downloaded from here

Contact Business First on 144 for further information.

People with disabilities continue to face extensive challenges and a wide range of barriers in their place of work. However, today’s technological developments contribute significantly towards inclusion and reduce certain barriers in the field of employment.

This measure is intended to support the development of Family Businesses in building internal capacities and supporting them in the transfer of their business activity. The support provides advisory during business transition and access to specific training deemed beneficial in facilitating the growth of Family Businesses. This measure shall be available until 31st December 2020.

The Family Businesses Grant shall support family businesses to address transitionary issues by facilitating access to advisory and mediation services. The maximum grant that can be awarded under these guidelines is capped at €15,000 per family business in any rolling three (3) year period.

The Get Ready Scheme shall support business undertakings operating in Malta to access advisory services as to review and prepare for the effect on their business activity in relation to Britain's exit from the European Union (Brexit).

The scope of this scheme is to support manufacturing undertakings operating from Gozo by reducing the additional inter-island transport cost incurred for transporting materials, goods and finished products between Malta and Gozo.  This assistance serves to reduce the cost-disadvantages for manufacturers based in Gozo, rendering these businesses in a better position to compete effectively within

The collaborative R&D Grant Scheme supports Maltese enterprises that carry out an industrial research or experimental development project in collaboration with other enterprises. The project should lead to the development of innovative products, processes and services based on advanced technologies.

Innovate aims to facilitate the creation of Business Research Partnership betwee SMEs and Research Knowledge-Dissemination Organisations to carry out projects leading to product, process and organisational innovation.

This measure is open to all SMEs that qualify for this incentive and shall allow these undertakings to recover in the form of tax credits, part of the costs incurred for the loan of highly qualified personnel from large undertakings and Research and Knowledge-dissemination Organisation.

New enterprises need a mix of resources and support in order to flourish. Most start-ups seek external guidance, assistance and finance.

The Interest Rate Subsidy scheme is a new measure to support qualifying businesses to subsidise the cost of debt finance of a term loan. Through the support, Malta Enterprise is aiming to facilitate investment in industrial and innovative setups by enabling them to develop their operations and take products and services to the market.

Invest aims to sustain the regional industrial and economic development of Malta by facilitating initial investments through the setting up of new establishments, expansion of existing facilities and diversification of existing businesses.

Through this incentive, Malta Enterprise may support artisans in the process of transferring their skills to other persons and to assist artisan startups. Aid under this measure is given in a form of a cash grant.

The Investment Aid Scheme aims to sustain the regional industrial and economic development of Malta.  This measure facilitates initial investments by encouraging the setting up of new establishments as well as the expansion and development of existing businesses.

Malta Enterprise Corporation in collaboration with the Energy and Water Agency shall be supporting undertakings in carrying out investments leading to improved energy-efficiency. The assistance is intended to facilitate investments in technological solutions that provide higher energy efficiency and contribute directly towards a reduction in the energy requirements of the beneficiaries.

In collaboration with the Energy and Water Agency, Malta Enterprise is assisting undertakings to invest in cogeneration equipment (ie energy efficient solutions that simultaneously generate thermal energy and electrical and/or mechanical energy).  The assistance shall be provided in the form of a tax credit. 

Malta Enterprise may provide financial support to undertakings to carry out investment projects to increase or initiate production of COVID-19 relevant products or to diversify existing production to be able to produce COVID-19 relevant products.

Investment Aid Tax Credits are intended to sustain the regional industrial and economic development of Malta.  This measure facilitates initial investments by encouraging the setting up of new establishments and the expansion and development of existing businesses.

Investment Aid Tax Credits are intended to sustain the regional industrial and economic development of Malta.  This measure facilitates initial investments by encouraging the setting up of new establishments and the expansion and development of existing businesses.

Kick START supports Start-up undertakings (including spin-offs from established enterprises) in financing participation in accelerator programmes recognised by Malta Enterprise.

This Incentive provides a framework for addressing skill shortages by supporting training and re-skilling of existing and new employees.  The aim is to support knowledge transfer, and the acquisition of new competences in line with the knowledge and skill requirements of industry.

LEAP2ENTERPRISE is an initiative designed to assist vulnerable individuals in setting up their own sustainable, income-generating business activities.  To implement this measure, Malta Enterprise together with the Foundation for Social Welfare Services (LEAP) and Jobsplus Corporation (Jobsplus) will assist beneficiaries to set up their own business or develop an income-generating activity.

Loan Guarantees facilitate access to finance to assist enterprises in the acquisition of capital assets that will lead to a more effective and efficient production and supply of service/s.  The main objective of this incentive is to support new investment projects undertaken by enterprises engaged in manufacturing.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can benefit from the temporarily engagement of a highly qualified expert to work on R&D&I projects. In this way SMEs can access new knowledge and increased innovation capabilities. The expert will help the SMEs to carry out an Industrial Research and Experimental Development projects.

Deadline for submission of applications received under the Micro Guarantee Scheme is the 31st December 2016.  

This Micro Guarantee Scheme shall provide eligible undertakings with a guarantee of up to 70% on loans required to finance business enhancement, growth and development.   

The scheme is available until 31st December 2020.


Business Networks

Business Networks are made up of between 3 and 10 independent enterprises working together to achieve a specific business objective. Through the sharing of resources, enterprises forming part of the network can benefit from transfer of knowledge, combined capacity, improved business prospects and achieve higher competitiveness.

As from the 10th May 2021 most business activities that had been ordered to temporarily close down as a measure to further restrict social interactions, and thus reduce the number of COVID-19 cases, will be allowed to recommence operation. Yet, some businesses, because of the additional risk of viral transmission associated with their activity will remain closed.

The development and expansion of knowledge based industries requires the availability of human resources. Such resources may be developed through education and training, however such resources would need to be substantiated through knowledge and experience. This measure facilitates employment of non residents in roles which are currently not addressed by the local labour market by temporarily e

Quality+ encourages Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) to continuously improve the quality of their products, services and processes through the:

Since Research & Development initiatives are associated with high risk, it is advisable that undertakings undertake R&D Feasibility studies to determine that the key elements of the proposed research project are based on sound principles.  

Changes in business models require operators in the hospitality industry to innovate and align their offering with new market expectations. This Interest Rate Subsidy Scheme will support hotels, restaurants and holiday accommodation providers in upgrading their operations and product offering so as to provide new and improved services.

This incentive is aimed specifically to SMEs that after conducting an approved Industrial Research or Experimental Development project would like to seek, obtain and validate patents and other intellectual property rights.

The tax credit may cover costs incurred in the 24 months after the R&D project was completed. The value of the tax credits will be based on:

Undertakings operating from business premises (any physical location through which business functions and/or processes are conducted, including commercial sites, industrial setups and offices) will be supported with a refund on their rent and electricity payments. 

This scheme supports small undertakings engaged in manufacturing activities that require industrial space as a temporary, or permanent solution to:

1. Implement growth plans;
2. Handle an increase in orders; and/or
3. Carry out process innovations required to increase efficiency.

This scheme supports undertakings that require industrial space as a temporary, or permanent, solution to support their business activity. The scheme is applicable to businesses engaged in Manufacturing, Maintenance and Repairs of Motor Vehicles, Repair of Machinery & Equipment and other industrial activities related to these sectors.

The aim of this incentive is to assist Industrial Research and Experimental Development activities required by industry for the acquistion of knowledge leading to the development of innovative products and solutions. The measure also encourages cooperation between undertakings by providing additional assistance for collaborative Industrial Research or Experimental Development projects.

The aim of this incentive is to assist Industrial Research and Experimental Development activities required by industry for the acquisition of knowledge leading to the development of innovative products and solutions. The measure also encourages cooperation between undertakings by providing additional assistance for Industrial Research and/or Experimental Development projects.

The objective of this scheme is to support formal collaboration between enterprises by assisting in the setting-up, expansion and animation of innovation clusters. The aid will be provided exclusively to the enterprises operating the cluster which must have the sole purpose of promoting Industrial Research and Experimental Development.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected most businesses yet some were harder hit than others. ReStart has the objective to support those businesses which due to the effect of the pandemic had to terminate operations, by helping them access advisory services and providing a kick-start grant to help them restart operations.

This scheme aims to promote the restoration, conservation and maintenance of Grade 1 and Grade 2 scheduled buildings and buildings within Urban Conservation Areas (UCAs) that are or shall be used as commercial premises.

Companies that commission such works shall qualify for a tax credit of up to:

The objective of this initiative is to encourage researchers to exploit intellectual property through the licensing of patented knowledge.  The scheme should also encourage investment  in research and knowledge creation and exploitation of intellectual property.

The Skills Development Scheme supports businesses in providing training focused on developing a knowledge-based workforce by:

Through this scheme, Malta Enterprise shall support business undertakings to provide training to develop and update the skills and knowledge of their workforce.

Scheme Title Skills Pass Support

The European Union is committed to becoming the first climate-neutral bloc in the world by 2050. This requires significant investment from both the EU and the national public sector, as well as the private sector.

The main aim of the incentive is to support Small and Medium–sized Enterprises (SMEs) to develop and diversify their activities, increase competitiveness and develop new products and services.

Through this incentive Malta Enterprise may provide SMEs with part financing for subcontracting external experts in relation to new development projects.

Soft Loans support enterprises through loans at low interest rates for part financing investments in qualifying expenditure. The main objective of this incentive is to support new investment projects undertaken by enterprises engaged in manufacturing.

Undertakings interested in applying for this incentive should contact Malta Enterprise directly.


In order to ease access to finance for small start-ups, Malta Enterprise provides support linked to private equity: crowd funding and the procurement of machinery and equipment.

The aim of this measure is to finance innovative undertakings in their early stages of development by supporting Small Start-up Undertakings that demonstrate a viable business concept in the setting-up and initial growth phases.

The aim of this measure is to support Small Start-up Undertakings that demonstrate a viable business concept and that exhibit commitment to expand and further develop their economic activity. Malta Enterprise may provide support up to €400,000.

Startup Advance is intended to support small startup undertakings that are in the process of consolidating a business operation that has demonstrated market potential and is deemed as economically feasible and innovative by the Corporation. Undertakings seeking support through this support measure should submit to Malta Enterprise the relevant application duly completed.

The scope of this incentive is to facilitate access to foreign markets by allowing enterprises to explore growth opportunities, establish business contacts and consolidate existing markets.  This scheme provides part-financing to business undertakings that participate in international trade events, fairs and trade missions.  Business undertakings can capitalise on these events by establishing t

The impacts of construction activities on environment are various. This measure aims to support investments that reduce the negative impact of construction activities by facilitating the reduction in volume of construction waste, control of dust emission and replacement of equipment.  This measure is open to businesses engaged in construction activities, including the processing and disposal of

As from 1st January 2020, tenants of Malta Industrial Parks Ltd. situated at Ta' Qali crafts village will be supported in the development of their premises situated within the Artisan Village. Tenants will have the possibility to benefit from a cash grant of up to seven thousand Euro (€70,000) part financing up to fifty per cent (50%) of the project.

This scheme is currently under review. Malta Enterprise aims to improve the incentives provided to date. Please watch this space for further developments.

The integration of social media and online marketing into different aspects of a business is a development that businesses cannot ignore.  This scheme was intended to help companies further embrace new digital technologies.

This measure is open to all undertakings that employ for a period of at least twelve (12) months a person holding or reading for a doctoral degree in science, information technology or engineering.  Beneficiaries shall be awarded a tax credit of €10,000 which shall be capped accordingly if the applicant exceeds the de minimis limited allocated to the single undertaking.

This scheme allows Malta Enterprise to provide a tax credit for supporting holistic refurbishment projects in establisments duly licensed by the Malta Tourism Authority where the main activity is the provision of tourist accommodation in hotels, guest houses and hostels or the provision of food services from a permanent structure whereby the prepared food may be consumed on the premises.

International markets present various opportunities to forward-looking businesses. Undertakings willing to build capacity to compete in different markets tend to be more innovative in their product/service offerings and processes.