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Opportunities in Kazakhstan highlighted in business seminar

Over 30 local entrepreneurs had the chance to learn more about the business environment in Kazakhstan and the business opportunities that the country offers both in terms of trade and investment during a business seminar organised by Malta Enterprise.

Kazakhstan's Ambassador to Malta H.E. Mr Andrian Yelemessov, who delivered the keynote speech during the business seminar, outlined the fiscal and financial incentives that the country offers to facilitate trade and investment.

European Commission searching best climate solutions in Europe

The European Commission has launched the ‘World You Like Challenge’, a low-carbon contest calling on creative and innovative minds from across the European Union to put their green initiatives to the test.

The contest is part of the ‘A world you like’ campaign launched by the European Commission in October 2012 and which in Malta is being supported by a number of local organisations, among which is Malta Enterprise.

New scheme supports commissioning of digital games

Malta Enterprise has launched a new scheme by means of which companies that commission a digital game as a marketing tool to promote their products or services online.  Through this scheme enterprises  may get a tax credit equivalent to 100% of the total subcontracted costs incurred, up to a maximum of €15,000.

The integration of social media and online marketing into different aspects of a business is a development that businesses cannot ignore, and the scheme thus seeks to help them further embrace the new digital technologies.

London calling for ICT sector

Malta Enterprise’s efforts aimed at attracting foreign investors to Malta and helping companies already based in the country expand their operations or finding business partners overseas took the shape of two separate initiatives both targeting London’s buzzing ICT sector.

Info Session on CIP’s Eco-Innovation programme

The Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) national contact point within Malta Enterprise is organising an info session on February 13th, 2013 to provide details on the upcoming Call for Proposals for projects to be assisted through the Eco-Innovation programme.

Managed by the European Commission, the programme seeks to assist European organisations to overcome the barriers of bringing environmental products, services or processes to the market.

External Consultants/Business Multipliers

Malta Enterprise Corporation (ME) wishes to extend its network of External Consultants/Business Multipliers based abroad. Their role will be to assist ME in its investment promotion work with foreign companies in targeted sectors

The External Consultant/Business Multiplier will be appointed on a non exclusive basis and offered renewable annual contracts.

The External Consultant shall work closely with Malta Enterprise and shall be responsible to:

Call for Quotations : Enterprise Europe Network

Call for Quotations are invited from suitably qualified and experienced service providers for the upcoming International B2B Networking Event for SMEs entitled "Unlocking the Potential".

This international event, organised by Enterprise Europe Network Malta, is being held between 17th and 18th April 2013.

Sealed offers are to be deposited in the tender box at Malta Enterprise offices, by not later than 10.00am of:

ME holds info session on CIP’s Energy programme

The National Contact Point for the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) within Malta Enterprise has organised an information session to provide details on the Call for Proposals for projects to be supported through the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) programme.

The Call for Proposals, for which applications will be received until May 8th, 2013, seeks to support organisations – including public bodies, private companies, education establishments, NGOs, associations and SMEs – in implementing clean and sustainable energy solutions.
