Malta Enterprise representatives gave a presentation on the Interreg co-funded RELOS3 project and how it assists the future of Malta’s national Smart Specialisation Strategy, particularly on Maritime Services, during a public consultation meeting on Malta’s national Smart Specialisation Strategy.
The public consultation, which was organised by the Malta Council of Science and Technology (MCST) as part of Malta’s National Research and Innovation Strategy 2020, provided participants with a re-introduction to Smart Specialization and insights on the development of the process to date.
Fernando Merida Martin, from the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), introduced the subject and present the reasons why stakeholder engagement is vital to a Strategy’s success. This was followed by a presentation from Daniel Guerreiro, Commission for Coordination and Regional Development of the Algarve Region, Portugal, on the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process in the region. Jacqueline Grech, senior executive at MCST discussed Malta’s experience with the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) so far, as well as put forward the most challenging and successful elements of the process, while Pedro Alvarez from Malta Enterprise delved into the details of the Interreg co-funded RELOS3 project.
Government officials, researchers, academics, entrepreneurs, and citizens interested in the development of Research and Innovation in Malta exchanged experiences, comments and suggestions. All the stakeholders were given the opportunity to express opinions, raise issues and provide feedback on Malta’s current Smart Specialisation Strategy. Breakout sessions were held to identifying new ideas and priority areas for a Strategy post-2020.