Businesses in telecom and IT with an interest in R&D and innovation are invited to participate in the CELTIC EUREKA cluster Online Project Ideas Pitching session on November 29, 2018 between 09:00h and 12:00h CET.
Malta-based companies may be interested to consider getting involved in the projects that are presented on the day by other participants; for example, a Malta-based company may opt to become a validating partner within the larger innovation project, undertaken with other international industry and research players from Europe and beyond.
EUREKA Clusters are long-term, strategically significant industrial initiatives that aim to develop generic technologies of key importance for European competitiveness. The Celtic EUREKA cluster addresses challenges in the domain of integrated telecommunications systems.
Such a session could be of high interest to representatives from telecom and IT businesses interested in R&D projects, innovation, industry development, and strategy. Participation of Malta-based companies in cluster projects may be supported through assistance on the national level. The National Project Coordinator assists and guides Malta-based applicants on EUREKA instruments with project participation in line with the R&D 2014-2020 incentive guidelines.