Nominations are currently being accepted for the award of "Best Creative Enterprise" within the framework of the national awards programme celebrating the achievements of Malta's cultural and creative sectors.
This particular award seeks to reward the enterprise that has achieved outstanding performance in a number of areas such as sustainability, economic growth, job creation, collaboration with enterprises in other sectors, access to new national and international markets, diversification of its creative output and development of an innovative creative product or service. It is open to all registered, Malta-based companies.
In order to make a strong case for this award, the following questions should be considered:
- Has the business shown signs of sustainability in the shape of resilience over time in terms of financial, social and environmental risks, obligations and opportunities?
- Has the business created economic value and contributed to healthy ecosystems?
- Did the business lead to economic growth and an increase in employment?
- Has the business collaborated with other enterprises both in the CCS and other industrial and economic sectors?
- Did the business research and develop new innovative creative products or services aimed at increasing the current market share or at entering new markets?
- Did the business diversify its product or service with the aim of increasing market share or servicing/accessing an industry or market which it is not currently in by acquiring new skills and knowledge in product/service development as well as new insights into market behaviour?
Detailed guidelines and nomination forms may be accessed from the Arts Council site. Both nominations for third parties as well as self-nominations are accepted within the deadline of the 27th October at 1200hrs.